Friday, October 31, 2008

Same-sex marriage in California

I would like to post about a very heated issue that is going on this election: the issue of same-sex marriage in California. Proposition 8 is on the ballot. If it passes, the California state constitution will be changed to include these words: "Only marriage between a man and a woman will be recognized in the state of California." If this proposition does not pass there will be dire consequences. Some people may say: "What does it matter? It doesn't affect me, does it?" I have news for you. It will affect you in more ways that you might realize. Take a look at some information on another blog that I have. Check out this post as well as this post if you are interested.

Today, I just found some videos my young adults in the state of California. These videos address many of the questions people may have on this issue and can explain it better than I can. These videos can be found on this website. Let me share one of these videos with you:

I hope that Californians vote loud and clear and they do not want to change the definition of marriage! Stumble Upon Toolbar

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