Thursday, September 4, 2008

Go Sarah Palin!!!

It has been way to long since I posted on this blog. With work, school, family and church it seems that I don't have the time to do some of the things that I want to do. I just had to post about Sarah Palin.

I took time to watch her speech at the Republican National Convention. I have not heard a speech like that for a very long time. I don't recall hearing any studdering, hesitating (besides when the crowd applauded), or nervous words (um or uh). She was strong with an aura about her that was very convincing and powerful. I was so excited to finally hear someone speak their mind without worrying about being politically correct. She spoke from the heart and sent the liberals and media elites scrambling. On thing is for sure, she doesn't back down from a fight.

If you get a chance to watch it, I would highly recommend it. Here it is on Youtube

Check this out for a few excerpts from the speech.

When I was listening to Shawn Hannity, he mentioned a video that the RNC / McCain campaign posted on YouTube. It is a biography of Sarah Palin. It's really good.
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