Friday, March 14, 2008

Personal Responsiblity

I have had an issue with this for a while, especially since all of the housing market issues that have been going on. I listen to Glenn Beck frequently and he has talked about this on his radio show.

Anyways, it seems to me that a lot of people in this world expect the government to bail them out of anything. This is not true! It is not the governments fault if someone buys a house that they cannot afford! People need to look at their financial situation and decide if 1) they can afford a house period and 2) how much they can afford to spend on a house. The other problem I have is the fact that the government thinks that it is their responsibility to get people out of the mess they ended up in. The government should stay out and let the house market run it's course. The housing market is setup in a way to allow corrections to be made in order to get things back to more realistic numbers. Let's get one thing straight... I am not a mortgage lender, financial adviser or even have a career in the housing market. This information is just from what I have read and heard. The housing market prices were inflated. You can blame that on the government, too. They told the lenders that we needed to make it so people to be eligible to buy a home. No, I didn't say afford, said eligible. What did the lenders do? They invented all these creative loans that would allow more to be 'eligible' to buy a home. Now we are seeing the result of those creative loans.

Something else that continues to bother me is the whole Katrina thing. It has been how long now and the people of New Orleans are still complaining about it? I like to compare it to the situation that situation in Denver two winters ago. Most people might not have heard about it. During the winter of 2006, Colorado was buried in several feet of snow. I don't remember hearing about any complaints to the government to get them out. I understand that sometimes people need help and that is fine but don't rely on the government. If I ever needed help like the people in New Orleans (which I hope I am never in that situation) I would ask for help from my family, friends, neighbors, church, and community before I would ever rely on or ask for help from the government. In fact, unless I or a member of my family was seriously injured I would just take care of myself and others around me, if needed.

For a great article on this same issue, read Glenn Beck's article "Too bad, Michigan and Florida" which was featured on

That's it for today's daily political rant. Tomorrow's rant will focus on the values (or lack there of) of the leadership of this country.
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